Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Truth in Mom's Cooking - from the mouth of a 3 year old food critic

OK, so I am not an accomplished chef... and even saying that I can cook may be a bit of a stretch. While I love great food (usually at the hands of some other great chef from one of the local restaurants or cafes), I find myself to be more of a convenience cook.

As a working mom, now with two little ones under three, I am into quick meals (but do try to put the best quality prepared foods, semi-homemade and homemade meals in front of my family). When I do have some time, I really enjoy cooking, but I have lost my knack due to lack of recent practice and have fallen into the realty of convenience as king. (I'd rather spend time playing with my little ones when I get home versus cooking for an extended period of time).

In fact, in one of my earlier postings, I talk about if my son was grown up and today and had to reflect and tell you about his "normal" family life, he just might tell you (sigh, not proud) that food is cooked in 30 seconds and that the microwave is the medium (oven, what's that? just kidding, we're not that bad. frozen pizzas go in the oven, everyone knows that. :)

But seriously, I am currently home on maternity leave, so I decided to try and change this memory and perception and give my family some home cooked meals. I have been devouring the latest cooking books, blogs and magazines to try and create a new meaning of food preparation (stressing patience and emphasizing the wafting aroma of cooking pastas, meats and veges).

This week, I cooked (not a fancy dinner, but an improvement) some quesadillas. I was standing over the stove, grilling the tortillas to the perfect shade of golden brown, when a little steam (ok, so some smoke), hung over the stove.

My little man looks over at me and said, "Fire!" (At first, I had no idea what he was referring to). He said it a few more times and then I grasped that he was referring to the steam or "smoke" coming from my gourmet dinner on the stove.

He then, with his three-year old ear-to-ear grin, turned to me and asked, "Do you have any smoke?" (you see, he likes to ask us daily, "do you have any (fill in the blank)?" Typically he asks us if we have any toys, because we say "no" and then turn the question around to him - and he proudly says yes - as he has many toys).

Then he immediately followed his question with, "Smoke is for choo-choos."

I couldn't have said it any better myself. At that moment, I realized that a new food critic was born.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bath time bribe

Looking for an inexpensive and almost sure fire way to get your toddler or preschooler excited for bath time? In a word ... dinosaurs.

My 3 1/2 year old, once a fan of bath time, has decided that he is no longer quite as enthusiastic about getting clean. My sister sent him a gift which quickly has become part of our new bath time ritual.

She sent him a packet of capsules containing, "grow in water" dinosaurs. Yes, the little pill shaped capsules which you submerge in water to grow a thumbnail sized creature. A cheesy birthday party gift you say? Maybe, but this worked like magic and continues to do so every night.

We told our lil man that he'd get to "hatch" a dinosaur egg in the bath tub. This instantly peaked his preschool curiosity. Instead of fighting about the end of play and the inevitable transition to bed time, lead in by the infamous "bath" - he immediately wanted to get into the tub.

A bribe you might be thinking? Maybe, but isn't a little serenity and just a little creativity worth it? Now, every night without a dissenting comment or sound, he happily goes up for bath time so that he can "hatch" a dinosaur egg. He picks out one, by the color of the capsule each night, and declares whether it will be a "mommy", "daddy" or "baby". He excitedly tosses it into the tub and ventures in to see what new, exciting species will emerge.

Now, this is what I call a good value. For us it is definitely worth the $1 for an entire package/page of nightly bath time buddies.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I thought it would be fun to reflect on nick names. While some are unique and hold great personality, others are common - but they all tell a story and have meaning.

Here are some of my favorites. What are yours?

Lil man
Bub from the Tub
Peanut Guy
Peanut Butter Pie Guy

Lil lady
Beautiful Girl
Siena Bella
Peanut Girl

Monday, September 7, 2009

Post Baby Treats for Mom

Top 10 post baby treats for mom!

10 - Sushi!

9 - Red wine!!

8 - Chocolate (craving dark chocolate. Lots of dark chocolate M&Ms and Mini Three Musketeer bars!)

7 - Getting to blog about new baby

6 - Red wine (yes, I missed having a glass so it's on here twice!!)

5- Putting away some of the maternity clothes

4 - Having my mom here for a month

3 - Taking walks with my lil lady

2 - Grande Non-fat, extra foamy Chai Tea Lattes

1- A beautiful little lady and wonderful family!! All of the smiles, cuddles, snuggling and love!!!

Big Brother's Fav Lil Sister Sayings

"It's my baby." - Talk about a proud big brother!

"You need to pump! We need milk." - lil man's response to when his sister is upset.

"Gentle mommy!" - response to when I hold his sister. We keep telling him to be gentle and he reminds us to do the same.

"Did you hear that? It's a squeak!" - what he loves to say when he hears talking.