Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just your average Saturday

So, what did you do today? It's a Saturday and here is our story...

1. Took a field trip to ... the car wash. Yes, you read correctly. We did not go to the museum, zoo or anything like that. As a family we went to the car wash. Hey, isn't a key to parenting taking the mundane errands you need to run and giving them a fun new twist? In our house it sure is. Lil man LOVES cars and trucks so it was a fun-filled experience. Plus, it is easy to forget the simple pleasures in the little things - like watching your car get soaped up, scrubbed by the giant brushes and then all of the people watching in the lobby.

Favorite quotes from lil man today included:
"Don't bite the dog." Yes, didn't I tell you - he is training to be a future hall monitor. We aspire to great heights here. :) (Not that there is anything wrong with being a hall monitor. I did not mean to offend any professional hall monitors by my post. Nothing should be inferred either one way or the other from my post.) Well, there was a man there with his dog and who wouldn't say, "Don't bite the dog." Lately, lil man has been telling EVERYONE "not" to do different things. It is quite cute and gets fun looks from people of all ages - as he tells anyone he sees (usually perfect strangers).

Even as I write this, I just heard him say, "No screaming." To put that in context, my hubby was telling the dog not to eat the furniture. As lil man gets older, he may appreciate the tone and volume of that one more. My other favorite was at school he scolded a parent and said, "No waving" as they were saying goodbye to their child. I hate to say it, but I either want to shrink in embarrassment or I want to crack up. It all depends who he selects to impart his wisdom upon.

2. Went to the "super park." There is this amazing park in the city's downtown area. If parks and swing sets were rated like restaurants in Zagat's, I think this one would surely make the top of the list. As the sun was finally out, even though the air was crisp, we went and swung for what seemed like an hour. Just seeing lil man's smile made every minute extra special.

3. Meltdown at the bookstore. It wouldn't be a Saturday, or any day that ends in "y", without a meltdown of some sort. We stopped by Barnes & Nobles, which has a fantastic kids section, so I could purchase my first prenatal yoga DVD. I have decided to try and give some level of exercise a try. Funny because when I am not pregnant, I love to workout (and miss my kickboxing and cycle classes). When I am pregnant, I just can't do very much. So, I am hoping that the DVD doesn't stay in a permanent "child's pose" in the box and actually makes it into the DVD player. Verdict is still out. Anyways, the B&N has a train table (much like the one we have at home). But that doesn't matter. Lil man loves it and could play there - alone - (key word) for hours. He was doing great as I grabbed the only DVD they had when another sweet lil child came up to play. That signaled a colossal fit. Because, who wants to share? Def not this lil man. (This is where we think a little bro or sister will do him, and us, good).

4. Naps are a family occasion. Who says naps are only for lil ones? Whomever says it doesn't know what they are missing. Today, tired from our exciting morning or turning the mundane into an adventure, we all took a nap. Mom, Dad, Lil Man and Dog. I love these moments and try to savor them as I know they will only pass too quickly.

5. A security banana? Some kids have a security blanket or special toy. Well, we went to Whole Foods today and lil man picked out his favorite thing, "nannas". He then proceeded to clutch them closely for the entire shopping trip. We barely got them away to be run up at the checkout counter. When we got to the car, he wanted to hold his nannas on the ride home. It was so endearing. I am still kicking myself that I forgot my camera!!

That's the scoop thus far for a Saturday. It is easy for something that is already wired with excitement to be exciting. The challenge and adventure comes when you take something that is ordinary and routine and making it a special day.

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