Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What makes your family unique?

I recently awoke at 3:30 am, which is becoming quite common these days - 1) being pregnant, I am making those frequent trips to what I like to call "my second office" and 2) lil man is getting into potty training so much that he wakes and wants to go potty.

On this occasion, I couldn't fall back asleep. A common tale. So, as I lie awake, I thought about our family, our dysfunctions, what made us unique and pondered... If lil man was grown up today, what would he say was unique about his family traditions? Deep thoughts continued making me wonder how he would describe his childhood (to date) and what memories he was forming of family life that he would inevitably pass on or curse and vow to change later in life.

Here is what I came up with. Some things make me want to cringe or make some immediate changes and others make me smile and proud of what makes our family a family. Here are a few of the highlights. I'd love to hear yours!!

1) Family Bed - Togetherness. "You mean, everyone doesn't share the same bed?": If you asked lil man he would tell you that everyone (including Franklin the doxie dog, sleep in one bed). As he has children's asthma, crying it out never worked for us as crying would lead to shortness of breath. I used to be somewhat embarrassed and maybe a little ashamed about this, but I have since learned to embrace it. As I'm a working mom, I love cuddling with him and this becomes such special family time. He loves to cuddle too and I know that as he gets older, and as the new baby arrives, we will be making some changes. So, I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

2) Cooking takes between 30 - 60 sec. "A stove or oven, what are they?": OK, I feel like I am in confession and need to repent. I wish that I was a better cook, but I am all about convenience. (Somehow saying it aloud doesn't seem to make me feel better as I had hoped). :) I do enjoy cooking, but am a novice. After getting home from work, it is just enough to put me over the edge. I would rather spend the time playing with my son versus making a late dinner and then immediately putting him to bed. I really want to do more cooking and as he gets bigger, I hope that I can do this. With that said, I am a convenience cook!

3) Christmas lasts into the Spring.: We just recently, took down our two Christmas trees. This was in part to the basement flooding, but more to either laziness or being busy. Well, really I think it is because I am a big kid at heart. I love the holidays and hate to see them end - especially with a long winter ahead. This is why I talk my hubby into leaving the lights on a little longer. As for the trees, lil man loved saying hello and goodnight to them each day that it warmed my heart. While I know that leaving the decorations up this long may give some an ulcer, I hope that lil man takes away the sentiment. (That or he might describe us as crazy. I guess only time will tell!)

4) "Ornaments, what are they?": This does relate back to No. 3. I really think he would ask this question and likely share stories and his own theories if he were older. I think our trees had a total of maybe three ornaments total on them this year. I know, many of you are probably cursing me or rethinking our friendship, but we just like to keep it simple. We love the lights and other decorations that adorn the house. Also, it makes for clean up much easier. :) (Maybe that is the true reason).

5) Bananas come from Starbucks: OK, now he has outgrown this and has been with us to the grocery store numerous times. However, for the longest time, we would go through the Starbucks drive through and they always had a nice display of bananas. It would immediately send lil man into a repetitive chant, reciting, "Nanas, Nanas, Nanas..." It's funny how adult routines make an imprint on lil ones.

We have many more, but these stood out to me and I thought you might enjoy them too. What are your unique rituals, routines or dysfunctions that your child would share if he/she could?


Steff Childs said...

When it comes to ornaments, we are definitely on opposite sides of the spectrum. I have a trunk full of them. And let's not even talk about "my" ornaments that are at my parents' home. Almost all of which have a special memory or funny story and none of which match the others. But that's our tradition. So, I'll still be your friend, even if you are a little weird when it come to ornaments. =)

Kim Moldofsky said...

Dysfuntions? "Mom is always on the computer!"

I don't think it was until baby #2 came along that we ate real family meals. But our meals vary from fresh, healthy home-cooked foods to OMG, every meal this week came out of a box.

I'm guessing that your ornament collection is going to grow along with your children.

This was a fun post.