Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Froggies or New Baby Sister?

We received some good advice ... be sure to give your first baby (and now the new big brother or sister) a special gift when the new baby arrives. We had heard that this is one way to make them feel special as their new baby brother/sister is getting the attention and gifts.

We took this to heart and opted for some miniature frogs. Yes, frogs. Come on, when you think of becoming a new big brother, don't you automatically think of frogs?

Our son's school has two mini frogs which my son loves. They are no larger than the size of my thumb. Each "frog bowl" comes fully furnished with two little frogs, colorful rocks, a plant and food. Talk about an easy and effortless gift experience. And get this - the frogs never get any bigger and only need to be fed twice a week. Their bowl only needs to be cleaned three times a year. Sound too good to be true for a pet? Well, it is true! (though we did just learn that the life expectancy of these frogs was 23 years. Yes, 23 years!! I guess we will be sending the frogs with my son when he goes to college. And who needs a wedding present. We will just send the frogs with him.)

So, my husband and I decided to wager whether our lil man would be more interested in his new miniature, swimmingly green friends - or his new baby sister.

We both opted for the frogs (but secretly hoped lil sis would win out) as we had seen his excitement with them and all things fishy (think Nemo - as it is a video favorite these days. In our house fish are king).

We placed the fish on the kitchen table and waited until lil man was home from school. He showed initial excitement about his new little sister, but then spotted the frogs. He named them Bill and Ben (yes, after the Thomas choo-choos) - BUT then turned back to his sister (good boy!).

We were very pleased that she won out and that we don't have to tell her that the frogs won.

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