Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Favorite Quotes of the Week

"I'm Home, I'm home, it's time to take me home..." (Lil Man's interpretation of "Hi Ho" by the Seven Dwarves

"Can't go to swim lessons today." Why not? "There's a monster in the pool!" (Lil Man's reason/excuse for not wanting to go to his swimming lessons. Gotta love his creativity!)

"Bill ate Ben." (OK, not true. One of Lil Man's frogs passed and this is his explanation for what happened. But, have no fear, we got him a new frog - and his name? Ben)

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