Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Asthma Woes - What a week!

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. My little guy has children's asthma. He got pneumonia and was in the hospital for numerous days at the very beginning of the year (actually New Year's day - what a way to start the year!! Not the start that we were anticipating for 2008).

We had heard wonderful success stories about people taking their kids to chiropractors who helped them not only feel better, but stay healthier and kick all of the medicine. So, we decided to give this a try. What was the worst that could happen, my son would have great posture and a really nice spine?

So, we have been going to the chiro for a month and it really seemed like it was doing some good. My little guy was feeling better and even got use to the routine (went from crying to actually moving in the right positions to be adjusted). However, this past weekend he went from healthy to (shockingly, out of nowhere) being diagnosed with pneumonia - all in a matter of days. He was back in the hospital (which I feel like is our home away from home - and that we should at least be getting miles or points or something), but is now home.

I am just discouraged as I really, really had hoped that the Chiro would help us avoid such serious bouts of illness - and the hospital. As parents you try to do whatever you can to help your kids feel better. I was so hoping that I would be able to share my success story with others too and am discouraged and disappointed that all I have to share is a hospital bill and bags under my eyes.

Again, I don't have any false visions of my little guy being cured - but pneumonia was not where I thought we'd net out either.

I know that we should change something up, as things just aren't working. I don't know if this means going back to the chiro and just not weaning off all of the steroids (we had stopped as this was the reco of the dr/chiro).

It's just so frustrating to see little ones going through things like this. It reminds me of how precious they are, life is and to how helpless we are at times. I guess this is a good lesson (one of many) where we just need to be there for our kids and know that we always can't swoop in and save them or solve all of their problems (though, wouldn't that be nice). I feel so fortuneate that Ethan is so healthy and that the asthma is just that - asthma and nothing worse. But, it would be so nice to be able to do something for him.

If anyone has any recommendations or success stories, I could use a little inspiration as we try a new approach.

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