Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Say, what?!

You may recall from a previous post, that I renamed my breasts "mommies". I don't even remember why I did this, but boy am I glad that I did.

My son nursed for a while and even after he was done, he liked to refer to them, talk to them and even (at the most inappropriate times - at daycare) sometime reach for them (almost like it was an ID check to be sure that I was really his mommy). It was much easier to pull him close as he reached for them yelling, "mommies!" versus what would have had me blushing and likely finding a new day care out of sheer embarrassment.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, my husband was out skiing and I was at home with my lil man. We had a great time together. As I am now really showing (feel like I have been showing since I found out I was expecting), I thought it would be fun to have him "kiss the baby", AKA my belly. To me, this protruding belly is impossible to miss - so how could he? When he took no interest, I showed it to him and tried to explain how big mommy's belly was getting because there was a baby in the belly.

Instead of showing any interest, he blurted out (not that I had a big belly, but) ... "BIG Mamas!" I couldn't believe what I had heard. Here the belly had made no impact, but he noticed and commented on my expanding bustline. Now, I am 1,000,000% thrilled that I renamed them "Mamas/Mommies!"

And yes, while my son calls his "mommies" and daddy's "mommies" and even Frank's (the dog's) "mommies" - I would rather correct this when he gets a little older versus take the chance and give him a fun new word right now.

I guess you never really know what little ones will say. :) I can't wait to tell that story to his future finance someday, though, my husband says he will probably be proud of it and I still won't get the last word. :)

What surprising or unexpected things have your little ones said?

1 comment:

caitlynrose said...

You know, I have nieces and nephews. So when I gave birth to a son, I was prepared. We called it his peanut. Close enough a doctor would know what he meant in an emergency, close enough when he learned the correct word he would easily transition... and far enough that he could not hold me hostage in line at the shops shouting about his--- well, anyway, kids can say the darndest things. That's why mine is misinformed!