Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Monday, December 29, 2008

Ready for Spring - Already!

So, this post is not about my son, doxie dog or hubby. It is about my sum pump and mother nature - and most importantly, my desire for Spring to return. This winter has been a mess for so many already this year. I thought we might skate by untouched, but mother nature had other plans.

We've had so much snow lately and with the sudden warm up (while 63 degrees really isn't warm, it is much better than the negatives), we flooded!! A winter flood? I never knew it was an option, but guess now I know better. When we're pinching pennies with everyone else, the inevitable always seems to happen. Now we're faced with ripping up and putting in new carpet - and throwing out wet items and keepsakes. (I am a sentimental pack-rat - so this is hitting me where it hurts).

It could have been much worse, and we are VERY lucky. But it is still a pain and will take time and money away from other (much more fun and exciting things) in order to clean up this mess.

So, to make myself feel better (venting is good), I have composed the following Ode to Spring - in the hopes that we can soon fast-forward to more mild weather.

Ode to Spring
By Mom who fell victim to a winter flood (oooh, the irony and contradition is ridiculous)

Spring, Spring - where have you gone
What's left behind is winter, snow, ice and a pond (in my basement)
Can you please return and bring your flowers
I hate to replace the carpet, as that takes dollars and hours and hours
Why has Mother Nature decided to play such a trick
With winter we're getting much more this year than the "delightful" winter germs and being sick
Oh how I miss thee and wish for your swift return
For if we need to survive even more "fun" this winter, I think that I will churn and burn (and maybe move to Lucerne - it's a beautiful town in Switzerland)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no! That is not fun. I hope you didn't lose anything really significant. (I had to qualify with the 'really' because I know how big a pack-rat you are :). Your situation reminds me of oh so many fond childhood memories of basement floods. One of the perks of living in in CA, no basements. lol