Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Monday, August 18, 2008

Quote of the day, courtesy of my sister...

OK, my sister is in town from CA. We picked her up from the airport and here is the quote that resulted after we grabbed some dinner...

"Oh, Ethan - this is a gift from your favorite Aunt!"

Turns out... she didn't buy the toy. My husbandand I were the ones that bought the happy meal, hence the toy was purchased by us. Nice try sister!

Also, it was the wackiest toy ever - not something to be proud of. My son had the look of, "What the heck is this, are you kidding me?" on his face. Needless to say, it could have given him nightmares.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, your sister is whack.