Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Say Cheese!

What lengths parents go to get the "perfect" (or even halfway decent) photo to memorialize the special moment, age or occasion in life. Well, I am no different...

Today we did a "Take Two." What does that mean? We took my two year old son for pictures - for a second time. The first time, it was a beautiful summer day and my little guy was laughing, happy and looking dapper in his new outfit - perfectly primed (or so I thought, but then again, do you really know when dealing with a two year old?!) so I thought...

The moment (I swear) we stepped foot into the photo studio that my husband selected (hey, not trying to blame, but he did pick it out), my son screamed and began throwing a fit (what you hear about or visualize when you think of "Terrible Two's"). Well, we thought that after a few minutes he would be better. We tried everything ... snacks, toys, everything - but no go. After trying for 30 min, we decided that no picture was worth the agony, so we bailed.

It was a good reminder (not that we needed one) of who was really in charge (and yes, that person is neither me or my husband).

So, we gave it a good couple of months, letting him outgrow it. We found a new, very children friendly place - and even checked it out with my son. He had a blast playing in the lobby with the cool car table and ramp.

So, today was the day. The day for photos once again. We all got dressed (we decided to try our luck at our first formal family photo). We had the strategy all planned out ... when we get to the photo studio, immediately walk in (steering clear of the cool car table and ramp - knowing that if he spotted it, we would have a nuclear meltdown), brought his favorite choo-choos and treats, etc.). We were ready to go...

As we stepped confidently into the photo studio room, it was as if we entered the dentist (when you have to get a root canal) and he immediately reminded us of the ever-so-strong lungs that he had and the fact that he was indeed two.

Being the driven parents that we are (and the fact that we didn't want to do a three-peat), we tried everything possible to get a smile and to salvage the situation. We became those parents. Come on, you know the ones ... the ones that dance, jump, make silly faces - anything and everything it takes to get a smile and to change the mood.

After a good 42 minutes of exerting all energy (and then beginning to day dream about Starbucks) we saw it ... a SMILE!!! WOW! We jumped into the photo and the photographer rapidly fired. We got it!

While none of the photos would win any awards, we were proud to make it out of there alive and with some photos. Most importantly, not needing to go back!

Man, what parents will do to capture the moment. Who knew that photos was such an exhausting workout!! I look forward to telling my son, when he is older, all about "the fun" he had when we took him for his two year photos.

But you know what, it was absolutely worth it.

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