Proud Mama of Lil Lady

Proud Mama of Lil Lady
Proud of my preemie peanut

Proud Mama of Lil Man

Proud Mama of Lil Man
Love my lil man

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Words to live by...

Today I was reminded of a favorite quote of mine... "Humor is life's shock absorber." I think that I got the quote from some inspirational quote book or calendar, but it has always stuck with me.

I think that my son, who is two, must be living by the same rules. He doesn't fall far from the tree from either me or my husband. My husband is quite humorous and I think that my son has gotten one of his most precious (and dangerous) attributes: Humor/sarcasm.

I was trying to get Ethan, who is now finally talking more, to say hi to his Aunt Allison. After a while of getting tired, and clearly having enough of mommy trying to use his new found toy (yes, his voice and the power of speech) for her own uses, he blurt out, "Bye-bye Choo-Choos." Then he preceeded to laugh and laugh and laugh. I love it. He is already seeing the power in humor and sarcasm and reminding others (AKA- mom) along the way of what is really important.

What are some of your favorite quotes or words to live by?

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